Understanding the national minimum wage and average salaries is an important part of finding a job in the UK. Firstly, all employees over the school leaving age are entitled to UK national minimum wage. However, rather confusingly for many new arrivals, once most UK workers reach 21 years they are then eligible for the National Living Wage.
But what does this mean for you? And how will does this play out for you and your family if you’re moving to the UK? Read on to find out everything you need to know about the minimum wage in the UK, including the living wage, average salaries, and more. Sections include:
What is the minimum wage in the UK in 2025?
The minimum wage in the UK changes every year on 1 April and is calculated based on wage per hour. The UK government takes advice from an independent body called the Low Pay Commission and uses it to set the minimum wage.
The UK makes a distinction between the government-mandated National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage, plus an additional suggested, non-mandatory Living Wage. To help break it down:
- The National Minimum Wage is the mandatory pay for employees age 16 through 20, increasing with each age bracket. This is compulsory and set by the UK government.
- The National Living Wage is the highest rate of minimum wage and must be paid to all employees age 21 and up. This is compulsory and set by the UK government.
- The UK Living Wage is set by the Living Wage Foundation as the suggested ‘real’ living wage in line with the actual cost of living. There are two suggestions from the foundation; one wage for London and one for the rest of the UK. This is not compulsory.

The minimum wage is determined by the age bracket you fall into. Until 31 March 2024, the minimum wage in the UK is:
- £6.40 (under 18 and apprenticeships)
- £8.60(18–20 year olds)
- £11.44 (21+ year olds)
From 1 April 2025, the UK minimum wage will be:
- £7.55 (under 18 and apprenticeships)
- £10.00 (18–20 year olds)
- £12.21 (21+ year olds)
In 2025, the Living Wage Foundation maintains that the national living wage should be set at £12.60 per hour in the UK and £13.85 per hour in London specifically.
This movement towards a real living wage in line with living costs has been popular in the UK, with almost 9,000 employers paying the voluntary ‘Living Wage’. If you’re unsure, you can ask your employer which minimum wage standard applies to your workplace.
Who and what does the minimum wage cover?
In addition to regular full-time employees, minimum wage entitlement in the UK covers the following workers:
- Part-time
- Casual laborers (e.g., someone hired for one day)
- Agency workers
- Workers and homeworkers paid by the number of items they make
- Apprentices
- Trainees or workers on probation
- Disabled workers
- Agricultural workers
- Foreign workers
- Seafarers
- Offshore workers
Accommodation provided by your employer can be taken into account when calculating the minimum wage. Any other benefit provided by the company, however, such as food, transport, childcare vouchers does not count towards your minimum wage in the UK.
Who and what is excluded from the minimum wage?
Be aware that minimum wage legislation in the UK does not cover all groups and positions. Those working within the following roles or industries are typically not legally entitled to the minimum wage:
- Self-employed people running their own business
- Company directors
- Volunteers or voluntary workers
- Workers on a government employment program, such as the Work Program
- Members of the armed forces
- Family members of the employer living in the employer’s home
- Non-family members living in the employer’s home who share in the work and leisure activities and don’t pay for meals or accommodation (e.g., au pairs)
- Workers younger than school leaving age (usually 16)
- Higher and further education students on work experience or a work placement up to one year
- People shadowing others at work
- workers on government pre-apprenticeships schemes
- People on the following European Union (EU) programs: Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus+, Comenius
- People working on a Jobcentre Plus Work trial for up to six weeks
- Share fishermen
- Prisoners
- People living and working in a religious community
Finally, tips, service charges, or cover charges directly from customers also do not influence minimum wage entitlement or the amount you receive.
Interns and apprentices in the UK
Internships, sometimes known as work experience or work placements, sometimes require the payment of minimum wage. Whether or not an intern is officially employed with an organization will determine their entitlement to minimum wage.

An intern can be classed as a worker, volunteer, or employee. Volunteers are not entitled to minimum wage, however, workers or employees are. If you’re planning an internship, check with the company ahead of time to see what, if any, financial compensation you’ll receive.
Apprentices aged under 19, or who are in the first year of an apprenticeship, are entitled to a specific rate of pay. Following your first year of an apprenticeship, and providing you are 19 or over, you should receive the minimum or national living wage in line with your age group.
The apprentice rate was set at £6.40 until 31 March 2025 and will rise to £7.55 from 1 April 2025.
Minimum wage calculator in the UK
If you receive a weekly or monthly salary, you should work out your equivalent hourly rate to check you’re being paid at least the minimum wage. You can use the UK government’s minimum wage calculator to make sure.
Average salary in the UK
According to the most recent data from 2024, the average (median) salary for full-time workers in the UK is £37,430 per year or £728 per week.
Several factors can influence earnings in the UK:
- Age: Earnings tend to increase with age, reflecting the accumulation of experience and skills over time. For instance, individuals aged 40 to 49 often earn more than those in their 20s.
- Education level: Higher educational qualifications generally correlate with higher earnings. According to data from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE), individuals with higher education degrees earn an average monthly salary of £2,776, which is higher than those with lower qualifications.
- Industry and occupation: Certain industries offer higher salaries due to the specialized skills required.
- Location: Geographical location significantly impacts earnings. Workers in London and the South East often receive higher wages to offset the increased cost of living in these areas. For instance, the median salary in London is £46,380, compared to £26,298 in Leeds.

Average salary in the UK by sector
Salaries can vary significantly across industries and professions in the UK. The finance and insurance sector, followed by energy, mining, and information and communication are the highest paying industries.
According to the British Office for National Statistics (ONS), the professions with the highest median weekly pay in UK are:
- Chief executives and senior officials: £1,575.90
- Marketing, sales, and advertising directors: £1,544.20
- Information technology directors: £1,533.20
The bottom three job titles with the lowest weekly salaries in the UK are:
- Retail cashiers and check-out operators: £382.70
- Child-minders: £385.40
- Waiters and waitresses: £406.20
What are the highest paying jobs in the UK?
A quick summary of average weekly salaries for different job levels:
- Managers and directors: £958.20
- Professional occupations: £857.90
- Administrative and sectarial roles: £528.40
- Skilled trades: £615.20
- Care, leisure, and service: £483.20
- Sales and customer service: £479.10
- Process, plant, and machine operatives: £601
- Elementary occupations: £485.20
When looking for employment in the UK your level of education can help secure a higher salary. Find out if your academic qualifications have recognition in the UK.
Average salary in the UK by region
Generally speaking, you are more likely to earn more in larger cities, with salaries in London and the surrounding areas the highest in the UK. However, while you may receive higher pay in London (the average annual salary here is £44,370), it is good to note the cost of living is also higher.

The second best-paid region is the South East of England, where the average annual salary is around £36,560, with the next best-paid region being Scotland at £35,518.
Salary checker in the UK
You can use a salary checker to see what your profession will likely pay in the UK. Here are a couple of online platforms to help you:
Gender pay gap in the UK
The UK sits at number 14 on the 2024 Global Gender Gap Index, which is one place up from 2023. While the gender pay gap has been slowly declining over time, there remains a pay gap between men and women in the UK. Men working full-time earned on average £37,382 annually in 2023, while women earned £31,672.
When compared to Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, England has the largest gender pay gap.
According to 2024 data from the Office for National Statistics, pay gaps by job function are sometimes quite stark:
Job | Pay gap | Women’s pay per hour | Men’s pay per hour |
Floorers and wall tilers | 39% | £8.81 | £14.33 |
Financial managers and directors | 28% | £30.72 | £42.53 |
Electrical and electronics technicians | 28% | £13.79 | £19.09 |
Cyber security professionals | 27% | £19.70 | £27.07 |
Building finishing trades | 26% | £11.55 | £15.50 |
Research carried out by the ONS showed far fewer roles where women receive more than their male counterparts. These included welfare professionals, sports coaches, and therapy professionals.
Thankfully, the UK is taking steps to address the gap in pay. In Scotland, the organization Close The Gap works towards this, and across the UK all employers in the private and voluntary sector with 250 or more employees must publish their gender pay gap data annually. The government also sets out guidelines for organizations to follow which include ‘effective’ and ‘promising’ action suggestions.
Salaries and wages for expats in the UK
Workers born outside the UK make up more than 20% of the workforce. In 2024, this included 2.2 million people born in the EU and 4.6 million people born outside the EU.
According to the ONS, the top countries where most immigrants move to the UK from are India, Poland, Pakistan, and Romania.
What to do if you’re not being paid the minimum wage in the UK
If you find you are earning below the correct minimum wage, the first thing to do is check your work contract and speak with your employer. If this doesn’t work, you should request payment records in writing from your company.
Workers can make a complaint with HMRC on behalf of themselves or someone else, which can be anonymous. The Advisory, Conciliation, and Arbitration Service (ACAS) can also provide guidance and support through their confidential helpline.

Depending on the case, you may be able to take a claim to the employment tribunal as well as apply for legal aid to help cover any legal fees.
It is against the law to not follow minimum wage regulations. The government’s employment and tax department (HMRC) can fine businesses that violate this and even take your employer to court on your behalf. £20,000 is the maximum fine for non-payment per worker and should employers fail to pay this, there are additional consequences.
Useful resources
- Am I getting minimum wage? – UK Government minimum wage calculator
- ACAS – Independent public body for workplace relations
- Citizens Advice – legal advice online and in-person
- Living Wage Foundation – information on Living Wage in UK