ALP Abroad is the international arm of the Australian Labor Party. The political organization connects the Labor Party's network of global supporters, keeping them updated with the latest goings on. Find your nearest local group and get involved with the ALP today.
Democrats Abroad is the official international arm of the United States' Democratic Party. Catering for the 9 million Americans living overseas, the organization provides news and information from the party, as well as providing a voice for US citizens abroad.
Global Greens is an international network of Green political parties and environmental political movements. The organization provides a platform for the exchange and discussion of ideas and policy initiatives. Global Greens does this through online and in-person events and forums.
Overseas Vote is a non-partisan organization providing voter services for US citizens overseas and uniformed services members. Their website provides a host of information on the voting rights and systems for US voters overseas. If you're a US citizen, make your Overseas Vote count.
Republicans Overseas is an arm of the US Republican Party. Focused on citizens living outside the US, the body provides news and information as well as a voice for Americans living overseas within the Republican Party. To get involved, find your nearest local chapter today.