Search the Expat Directory

Find the expat services you need to navigate your new life. Expatica’s UK business directory is an exhaustive list of service providers in the United Kingdom that specialize in the expat market, ranging from financial services – mortgages, accountants, banks, and more – to childcare and beyond.

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In the spotlight


Homelike is an online rental agency. Whether you're looking for temporary business travel accommodation or you're a landlord interested in renting out your property, Homelike can help. Speak to our team of experts and see how Homelike can help meet your property needs.
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Rental Agencies

Credit Engine

Credit Engine is a UK-based app for building your credit score. If you need to increase your credit score for a mortgage, loan, or credit card, Credit Engine’s tools and expert guidance are here to help. It’s also great if you’re new to the UK and looking to build a credit profile. Start building your credit score with Credit Engine.
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Financial Services

Crown Relocations

Crown Relocations is a leading international relocations specialist. With locations in 60 countries worldwide, their experienced staff provide a dedicated full-service package, from visa support to quarantine advice. So, wherever you’re heading, Crown Relocations will help take the stress out of your move abroad.
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Relocation Services
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