

Dating in Thailand: finding love as an expat

Learn about dating in Thailand, including where to meet singles, what to expect in a Thai relationship, and how to impress on your first date.

A young couple on a casual dinner date, the woman is taking a picture of her food

Updated 14-3-2025

Thailand has a unique and rich culture that differs from those found in many other parts of the world. While exciting, this can also make meeting other singles and dating in the country a bit intimidating for internationals.

How do you go about meeting people, what are the Thai dating norms, and how do you navigate your way around some of the stereotypes?

Start looking for love with confidence after you’ve learned about the following:

Find love with Expatica Dating

Are you looking to meet single expats and potentially find ‘the one’? Finding love as an expat can be challenging, but that’s where an online dating site can help. Expatica Dating will help you meet eligible singles in Thailand and find the perfect match. Register for free today and begin your quest!

How easy is it to date in Thailand?

Around 23.9% of Thailand’s adult population is single (National Economic and Social Development Council, 2023). Within the reproductive age group, the proportion is as high as 40.5%, a marked increase from 35.7% in 2017.

So, it is fair to say that dating in the country is relatively challenging. But why?

According to the NESDC, the SINK concept (i.e., Single Income, No Kids) is partly to blame for the Thai non-dating culture. Unmarried people work longer hours than those who have families to take care of, which gives them fewer opportunities to find a partner. The council also suggests that having a baby in Thailand is not attractive enough, lacking financial incentives like child benefits.

Indeed, many young people prefer to secure their future first. Singles enjoy a lifestyle focused on self-fulfillment, prioritizing travel, beauty, housing, and dining out over having a family.

Thai couple on a coffee date, they look very much in love.
Photo: Curated Lifestyle/Unsplash

Expats thinking the country offers easy conquests will be in for a shock. Thai singles have very high standards for potential partners, including income expectations and relationship history. In fact, 80% of Thai men and women want their dating partners to have at least a bachelor’s degree. About 55% of Thai men prefer partners with a monthly income of ฿30,000, and 70% of Thai women are looking for someone with a monthly income of ฿100,000.

Meanwhile, 90% of Thais will not consider dating someone who doesn’t meet their aesthetic preferences, even if they have all other desired qualities.

How do you meet single people online in Thailand?

The best dating websites in Thailand

Unsurprisingly, in the modern era, one of the best ways to launch yourself into the Thai dating scene is by diving into the world of online dating.

To meet other single, like-minded internationals, try our own online dating service: Expatica Dating Thailand. Popular with both men and women, it helps to connect people who share similar interests and passions and ultimately find love in the Southeast Asian country.

Other popular local sites are Badoo, Thai Cupid, and ThaiFriendly, which are free to use but may require payment in order to access special features.

The best dating apps in Thailand

International apps such as Omi, Litmatch, and Tinder are common in Thailand. CP Talk is also popular – this chat app allows singles to meet people nearby and establish meaningful connections locally.

A woman looks down at her mobile phone, checking dating app notifications.
Photo: Johnce/Getty Images

Another option is ThaiFriendly Dating, a homegrown app that matches Thai women with expat men. It claims to be the most popular online dating platform in the country.

Tantan, the Chinese version of Tinder, offers a great alternative and is prominent among the Chinese-speaking community in Thailand. Meanwhile, the social app PopUp offers a great way to meet people, whether for friendship or something more.

Singles looking for same-sex relationships in Thailand may want to check out the dating apps Disco, Her, Taimi, and Zoe. Another option is My Ladyboy Date, a dating site that caters to men who are looking for trans women.

Although many Thai singles use these dating apps, they tend to stumble upon the same issues as they would in other countries. For example, the apps are primarily based on looks and often seem to cater to those looking to just ‘hook up.’ So, if you are looking for something more serious, you may rather sign up for an online matchmaking service or go and meet people in person.

How do you meet singles in person in Thailand?

If you’re feeling a little hesitant toward dating sites and apps, social media platforms can also be useful for meeting new people with similar interests. You can use these to connect with people one-on-one or join local groups.

Popular social media platforms in Thailand include Facebook, Instagram, Line, and TikTok. Facebook is also good for seeking out local interest groups, such as neighborhood forums or groups dedicated to particular activities.

Server serving food to a couple at an outdoor restaurant.
Photo: George Pak/Pexels

Another popular platform is Meetup, which offers both a website and app to find gatherings in your local area. This is a great modern way to meet people in your community who share common interests. For example, you can look for local walking groups, food clubs, or learning Thai language groups.

Meeting people through friends

Of course, you can also use the more traditional approach of friendship or professional networks to find dates. If you have friends or close work colleagues you trust, see if they know of any suitable singles they could set you up with. Otherwise, keep an eye out for social gatherings and do some searching yourself.

If you’re feeling confident, Thailand’s big cities have plenty of opportunities to acquaint yourself with strangers, for example, in bars, at the beach, or at a local event or festival.

This method requires more effort, and you won’t reach a pool as vast as on a popular dating website. Still, it can be a rewarding way of finding attractive singles without the worry that their online personality might not match their real-life one.

Local speed dating events

Speed dating (เดตด่วน: literally meaning urgent dating) is another fairly common event. This is where single people meet at a venue and are matched for a series of rapid (around 5-minute) conversations with potential partners to see if compatibility or a spark exists.

You can find events near you on websites such as ThaiSpeedDating, which advertises events in cities such as Bangkok and Pattaya. Often, social networking sites such as Instagram, Facebook, and Meetup also have details of upcoming speed dating events.

What is the Thai dating etiquette?

In general, Thai dating etiquette centers around taking time to build up a long-lasting and respectful relationship. If someone likes you, they usually won’t want to rush things. Here’s what to expect in terms of initial dates with someone and what might come next if things progress.

Two men sit at an outdoor cafe with coffee and pastries.
Photo: wera Rodsawang/Getty Images

A typical dating scenario

People typically meet for initial dates in restaurants, bars, cinemas, picnics in parks, or for walks. One thing to note is that you don’t often see public displays of affection among Thai couples beyond hand-holding or gentle hugging.

Although things are showing signs of change, tradition still rules some of the basics regarding Thai dating. For example, the man typically makes the first move by asking for the date in different-sex encounters. Men may also take the lead when planning where to go or what to do, although these are more frequently becoming joint decisions.

Bars, cafes, restaurants, and parks are popular spots for a first date. Later dates may take place at cinemas, shopping malls, temples, sporting or cultural events, or an activity such as bowling.

Dates in Thailand are typically friendly and relaxed but can be more formal and modest than in other countries. For example, there is rarely physical touching of any kind. It’s also possible that a woman dating a man may bring a chaperone to a first date, often a close friend. While it might surprise expats when their date shows up with a wingman, this is completely normal and doesn’t signify any negative feelings.

image of insider

Local expert

Jane Evans

Insider tip

Kissing in public is generally not acceptable, and men and women do not touch each other unless they are in a relationship. For example, a female passenger taking a motorcycle taxi will sit sideways and avoid physical contact with the driver.

Dating behavior in Thailand

Although Thai customs and social norms are distinct in many ways, first-date etiquette is pretty typical. Thai people generally are easygoing and upbeat, meaning that the dating atmosphere is usually relaxed, warm, and fun.

An older couple waits excitedly for the movie to start at the theater.
Photo: staticnak1983/Getty Images

However, there are key differences regarding greetings and body language. The standard Thai greeting is the wai, a gentle nod with the hands in front of the body praying. Embracing or cheek-kissing is not common in Thailand. The same goes for public displays of affection in general. Thai flirting can be as simple as eye contact, smiling, and polite laughing.

The casual attitude to punctuality doesn’t extend to dates, so don’t keep someone waiting. The dress code is well-dressed and attractive, although it doesn’t have to be expensive. Personal hygiene is essential in Thailand, so don’t rush to a date straight from the gym or after a hard day of manual labor. Indeed, most Thais shower at least twice daily because of the heat and humidity.

When it comes to conversation, taboo subjects include discussing politics or religion and criticizing the royal family. Being too serious or having a negative attitude won’t go down too well either, and you’re unlikely to get a second date. On the flip side, you can learn a bit of the Thai language if you want to make a good impression when dating a local.

Another thing to note is that Thai dating culture is pretty monogamous, so if you start seeing someone beyond a couple of initial dates, they might expect you to be exclusive.

Gender roles in Thai dating

Gender roles are still fairly traditional in Thailand. Men often buy flowers, open doors, carry things, and pull out chairs, plus pay for everything on the first date.

Things are changing, however, especially in the major cities and among younger generations. People frequently date on more equal terms. For example, bills are often shared equally between both parties. If you’re an expat on a date with a Thai man or woman and are unsure about this, it’s okay to bring it up beforehand, or maybe go for an initial coffee or drinks if you feel awkward about the situation.

image of insider

Local expert

Jane Evans

Insider tip

If a woman insists on paying for a man, he may feel emasculated if he’s the traditional type. However, more progressive ones may prefer to share the bill.

What are relationships like in Thailand?

Things typically progress at quite a slow rate with Thai dating. There might be quite a few dates before things get serious. Physical intimacy beyond kissing usually only occurs once things are fairly advanced, and anything more than hand-holding or lightly embracing is reserved for private places. However, serious relationships often end in marriage, and rates have increased in recent years.

A newlywed couple in their wedding attire ride a motorcycle away from the reception.
Photo: Nathan Hutchinson/Getty Images

Although Thailand is still a conservative country, it’s not uncommon for young couples to move in together. Typically, this will happen after around one or two years of dating. That said, some Thais may prefer to wait until marriage before sharing a living space with someone, especially if their parents are more traditional. Thai women, especially, face lingering stigma and will feel family pressure to get married.

When do you meet your partner’s family?

The tell-tale sign that a relationship in Thailand has become a big deal is when someone wants to introduce their partner to their family. The family still plays an integral role in Thai society. So, whatever the age or social background, you can expect Thai people to seek approval from family members if things get serious.

You can expect to meet a partner’s parents and other close family members relatively soon into the relationship. After this, family visits or trips out can happen frequently, depending on how close everyone lives to each other.

Because of the prevailing traditional nature of Thai society, there can be a bit of pressure on men to show that they can provide financially for a potential family. At the same time, women may face pressure to get married and start families.

Getting married in Thailand

The role of the family in weddings

Thai wedding proposals (still) are a family affair. It’s common for the man to ask the woman’s family for her hand first.

Traditionally, a betrothed couple hosts a family get-together where they introduce everyone to each other. At the engagement ceremony, the family elders also discuss the sin sod (สินสอด), essentially a dowry payment that the groom-to-be makes to the bride’s family. (This is gradually becoming less common.)

This payment is seen as evidence that the man can support his bride-to-be and also as a kind of compensation for taking the daughter from the family. Some parents return the dowry to the couple to help them start their new life. Other parents keep the sin sod.

Family get together for a birthday. Baby is held by a parent and kisses an uncle's cheek.
Photo: Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels

In Thai culture, an engagement becomes official when the groom-to-be gives his future wife a Khongman present. This gift usually takes the form of 24-carat gold, jewels, jewelry, or rings. While Khong Man is expected, proposing with an engagement ring is entirely optional in Thailand.

As for the wedding dates, couples can decide for themselves or hire a monk or astrologist to help them choose a date based on the couple’s birthdates, time of birth, and zodiac signs. Ideally, the date is a lucky one that creates a successful marriage.

The challenges facing unmarried couples

Although Thailand is relatively tolerant, social expectations still carry weight. Unmarried couples may face certain hurdles, particularly in more traditional circles.

Legal protections are also limited. Thailand does not recognize common-law partnerships, meaning couples have no automatic rights to each other’s assets, inheritance, or medical decisions. If children are involved, fathers must formally acknowledge paternity to secure legal rights.

Housing is another potential consideration. While most landlords in urban areas won’t bat an eye at an unmarried couple renting together, more traditional property owners (particularly in smaller towns) might be hesitant. Similarly, some older or rural hotels have been known to refuse check-ins to unmarried Thai-foreigner couples, though this is becoming increasingly rare.

On a broader level, unmarried couples do not enjoy the same visa and residency benefits as married ones. For example, a Thai spouse can sponsor their foreign partner for a visa, whereas an unmarried couple must navigate the country’s various long-term stay options independently.

While attitudes are shifting, especially in cities like Bangkok and Chiang Mai, social norms still favor marriage as the expected path for long-term relationships. That said, couples who choose not to marry won’t face outright discrimination – just the occasional raised eyebrow.

Things to keep in mind when it comes to Thai dating

Is Thailand LGBTQ+ friendly?

Thailand is known as one of Asia’s most friendly places for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people (LGBTQ+). In fact, the country ranks 25th out of 197 in the world on the 2025 LGBT Equality Index. The score improved massively after the king signed the same-sex marriage law in September 2024, making Thailand the first country in Southeast Asia to legalize and recognize gay marriage.

Although you might want to be wary about displaying too much public affection – PDA is a bit of a no-no in the country, even for heterosexual couples – Thailand has some great gay-friendly places.

Two women holding hands at a train station in Bangkok, Thailand.
Bangkok, Thailand (Photo: Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels)

Most large cities have an open, vibrant, and visible LGBTQ+ scene. For example, Bangkok is mentioned in 14th place on Out Traveler’s list of the 15 gayest cities in the world in 2023 (the second-highest in Asia after Tel Aviv, Israel). The city attracts many people from all over the globe to enjoy its bars, nightclubs, and events, including the White Party New Year’s Eve bash and the Songkran G Circuit Party.

Most popular city destinations (including Bangkok and Chiang Mai) host annual pride celebrations. International travelers are also drawn to the thriving LGBTQ+ nightlife in Phuket and LGBTQ+-friendly beaches in Pattaya.

What are Thai views on mixed dating?

In general, Thai families are very accepting of foreign partners. The most important thing is that someone is serious and has honorable intentions.

Similarly, interfaith relationships are generally accepted in Thailand, especially in urban areas and among younger generations. The country is known for its religious tolerance, largely due to its Buddhist-majority population. Thai Buddhism tends to be flexible, allowing mixed-faith dating to flourish without significant stigma.

What challenges come with online dating?

As in any country, online dating in Thailand comes with its risks. People might not always be who or what they say they are on their profile or during initial chats. Never agree to send money to someone before meeting them, arrange your first date in a public place, and be sure to tell a friend or family member where you’ll be.

Find love with Expatica Dating

Expatica’s online dating platform is designed with your safety and security in mind. With verified profiles and robust privacy features, you can connect with confidence, knowing you’re in a trusted environment.

Useful resources

  • Similar – website with information on the top-ranking dating apps in Thailand
  • Cultural Atlas – website with information on a range of Thai cultural norms
  • TrulyThai – website with information on Thai wedding traditions

Gary Buswell

About the author

Based in London, Gary has been freelancing for Expatica since 2016. An expert writer with experience in social research and community development, he focuses on topics such as politics and current affairs, healthcare, recruitment, human rights and migration.