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Only 1000 teachers under the age of 30 are left in Portugal

Only 1000 teachers under the age of 30 are left in Portugal UnpublishedThe number of teachers below the age of 30 has fallen by 95% in the last 20 years.

According to a report by the General Directorate for Education and Science Statistics, the number of teachers below the age of 30 has fallen by 95% in the last 20 years, meaning it has dropped from 30000 to only 1000 currently working in the country, a majority of which teach at private schools.

At the same time, in the last two decades, the number of teachers over the age of 60 has jumped from 3600 to 13,000, an increase of 225%. The report shows that largest increase of teachers in this age group has been those working in primary schools, whereas the number of under-30s working in primary education has dropped from 5799 in 2000 to 311 in 2018. The decrease of these teachers in secondary education has been from 16,700 to 640.

The report concludes that in 2000, Portugal had around 150,000 (151,668) teachers in public and private education, however in less than 20 years it has lost over 30 thousand teachers, leaving only 12,1119 in Portugal.