Castro Marim Council is buying six properties at Quinta da Cerca for about €220,000, with plans to turn the two largest into Santa Casa da Misericórdia day care facilities for children.
The proposal, previously rejected twice in Council meetings, was approved this time around on December 17, with the abstention of only one opposition councillor.
The measure aims to address the need to provide “a more dignified space” in Castro Marim for day care and activities as the current provision is inadequate.
Francisco Amaral, Castro Marim’s mayor, says that it’s impossible to carry on providing services in the old space and this purchase will give new opportunities for associations that need to develop their activities, says the executive led by
The children of Castro Marim finally will have better facilities and Santa Casa da Misericórdia will be able to improve the provision of their service which is essential for children in the development of skills and learning,” said the mayor.