Expatica news

Frantic search for 79-year-old British man missing from Silves home since Friday morning

MissingBainbridgeWith bitterly cold temperatures biting since yesterday afternoon, the search for missing 79-year-old British man John Bainbridge is now getting frantic.

Wife Anita, 74, is “incredibly worried” about him, particularly as he left the couple’s house in Odelouca, Silves, in the early hours of Friday morning without any real protection against the elements.

The 6-foot tall, slim, grandfather, with grey hair has Alzheimer’s, and is “almost certain” to be feeling very lost and disoriented, she said.

“John is not carrying any kind of ID. He hasn’t got a phone on him, he doesn’t have a torch, he has no coat… this is becoming so serious now, I just ask anyone in the area around Alferce, Laranjeira, Monchique, even Portimão to be on the look-out for him”.

Police have been alerted, hospitals have checked their records to see if anyone fitting Mr Bainbridge’s description has been admitted or is waiting in casualty, but as of midday today (Saturday), 30 hours after he climbed out of a window to leave his home as his wife lay sleeping, there have been no sightings.

Friends and neighbours are already doing everything they can, said Mrs Bainbridge, with some having been “up all night searching”.

The number to call if anyone has any information is 963512870.

John Bainbridge was wearing a black pullover, blue jeans and black trainers with white flecks when a neighbour spied him early on Friday morning “practically running” along the road, in the direction of Portimão.

The neighbour raised the alarm, waking Mrs Bainbridge and the pair then set off in pursuit, only to realise “he must have turned off the road at some point, possibly up to Alferce or Laranjeira”.
