The neo-fascist terrorist, Maurizio Tramonte, sentenced to life imprisonment in Italy for the ‘Massacre of Piazza di Loggia’ which left eight dead and more than 100 injured in 1974, was been extradited to Italy on Tuesday, December 19th.
Tramonte, 65, was captured in Fátima in June, one day after his conviction was confirmed by the highest court in Italy.
The terrorist landed back on Italian soil at around 1:30 p.m. at Fiumicino Airport, on the outskirts of Rome, on a flight from Lisbon.
Tranonte was taken to the headquarters of the Judicial Police in Terminal 3 of the airport, where he formally will be arrested before being shipped off to Rebibbia prison in Rome.
Along with Carlo Maria Maggi, 82, the terrorist was sentenced to life imprisonment for having be party to the attack, one of the most serious during the troubled 1970s and 1980s when Italian politics was marked with violence.
The explosion in Piazza di Loggia, Brescia occurred on the morning of May 28, 1974, when a bomb was detonated during a demonstration by unions against neo-fascism.
Since then, the case has been the subject of several long-running lawsuits, with a final conviction only being handed down in June.
Carlo Maria Maggi was the leader of the far-right group Ordine Nuovo and collaborated with the Italian secret services in the troubled ‘years of lead.’
The Piazza di Loggia’ bombing was one of the most horrific in that period during which the Piazza Fontana bombing in Milan in 1969, which killed 16, and an explosion at Bologna railway station leaving 85 dead in 1980, marked a violent period that has not been repeated.
The Italian Justice Minister, Andrea Orlando said today, “I am grateful to the Portuguese authorities for their collaboration. It is an act of justice that we had promised to the families of the victims of the Piazza di Loggia.
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