How to file your income taxes


How to file your income taxes in Portugal in 2025

Learn how to file your income tax return in Portugal, including details on the latest rates, allowable deductions, and filing deadlines.

Portugal income tax

Updated 27-2-2025

Whether you work in Portugal or have retired, you’ll typically need to pay income tax on your earnings. Portugal’s income tax system is relatively straightforward, with residents taxed progressively and non-residents paying a flat tax rate. However, in the last few years, Portugal has made some changes to how their tax system works for expats to attract skilled internationals.

Read on to find out more about these topics:

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Are you looking for comprehensive and personalized tax advice in Portugal? JS Advisers is a tax advisory firm that provides expertise on legislation matters, tax affairs, IRS returns, and personal investments. Let sustainable solutions from JS Advisers help you reach your financial goals.

Income tax in Portugal: overview and latest developments

The Tax and Customs Authority (Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira) administers income tax in Portugal.

If you live and work in Portugal, you’ll typically need to pay Portuguese income tax on your earnings. Portugal operates a pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) tax system, where employees usually have their tax contributions deducted automatically from their salary.

A waiter putting a tablecloth on a table
Photo: Pedro Fiúza/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Most tax residents in Portugal need to fill out an annual tax return, and married couples can opt for joint taxation. Income tax applies to the following six categories of earnings (A–H):

  • A: income from employment, including salaries, commissions, and fringe benefits, taxed at 13% to 48%.
  • B: income from self-employment, for example, if you’re a freelancer or run a business in Portugal.
  • E: income from investments, including profits from investments and assets, bank deposits, bonds, and dividends. Taxed at a flat rate of 28% after the allowed deductions.
  • F: rental income from properties in Portugal. Taxed at 25–28%, depending on when the contract was signed or renewed. Alternatively, you can choose to be taxed at progressive income tax rates.
  • G: capital gains from selling Portuguese properties, assets, or shares. They pay 28% tax on 50% of the gain.
  • H: pension income. 25% of employee contributions to private pensions in Portugal are tax-deductible.

Latest news about income taxes in Portugal in 2025

As part of its 2025 State Budget, the Portuguese government announced a series of income tax changes.

  • The earnings threshold for each income tax bracket will be increased by 4.6%, meaning taxpayers should be able to keep a little more of their earnings.
  • The income tax system for young people (Youth PIT) will be extended to allow young taxpayers to benefit from income tax exemptions for up to 10 years.
  • Work-based bonuses and profit-sharing awards will now be exempt from income tax, up to a limit of 6% of the employee’s annual salary.
  • The new IFICI tax regime will be introduced to replace Portugal’s Non-Habitual Residency regime, which closed to new applicants at the end of 2023.

Tax rates: how much tax will I pay in Portugal in 2025?

Income tax rates in Portugal are progressive, meaning you pay more tax the more you earn. The tables below show Portugal’s income tax brackets for 2025 and 2024.

2025 Portugal tax brackets and rates

As of 2025, Portugal has nine income tax brackets, with the highest making €83,697 or more per year. Depending on how much money you earn, expect to pay between 13 to 48% tax on your Portuguese income for 2025.

Income tax bracketTax rate
€83,697 and above48%

2024 Portugal tax brackets and rates

In 2024, Portugal had nine income tax brackets, with the highest making €81,200 or more per year. Depending on how much money you earn, expect to pay between 13.25 and 48% tax on your Portuguese income for 2024.

Income tax bracketTax rate
€81,200 and above48%

Solidarity tax

An additional solidarity tax ranging from 2.5% to 5% applies for taxpayers earning more than €80,000 a year.

Tax rates for non-residents and young people

Non-residents are taxed at a flat rate of 25% of their taxable Portuguese income.

Young people aged 18 to 35 who aren’t considered dependents can benefit from the Youth PIT (IRS Jovem) program. This offers 10 years of preferential tax rates in 2025, up from five years in 2024.

Under the new rules, the exemptions will be:

  • 100% in the first year of employment
  • 75% from years 2–4
  • 50% from years 5–7
  • 25% from years 8–10

Maximum earning caps apply and are based on the Social Support Index. For 2025, the maximum amount of exempt income is 55 times the value of the Social Support Index. At current rates, the limit would be €28,009.

Who pays income tax in Portugal?

Who needs to file a tax return in Portugal?

Regardless of your employment status in Portugal, you’ll usually need to fill out an annual tax return if you are a tax resident. Married couples in Portugal who are taxed jointly on their income should submit a joint return.

There are some exceptions. For example, if you are an individual taxpayer whose tax is fully withheld at source by their employer, you may not be required to submit a return.

Portuguese income tax for foreigners

Income tax rules in Portugal vary depending on whether you’re classified as a resident or non-resident. Residents must pay Portuguese income tax on their worldwide income, while non-residents only need to pay tax on Portuguese earnings.

A person working on a laptop at their desk in a leafy office. They also have some papers.
Photo: Westend61/Getty Images

Workers are considered tax residents in Portugal if either of the following rules applies:

  • You lived Portugal for at least 183 days (consecutive or not) in total during a tax year
  • You lived in Portugal for less than 183 days but had a permanent residence there as of 31 December

Internationals who have lived in Portugal for less than 183 days and don’t have permanent residence status are non-residents for tax purposes.

Non-Habitual Residency (NHR)

The now-closed NHR tax program offered preferential tax rates and exemptions for 10 years to qualifying foreign residents of Portugal. It closed to new applicants on 31 December 2023, but those who started applying before then have until 31 March 2025 to complete their application.

IFICI scheme (NHR 2.0)

The NHR scheme has effectively been replaced by a new employment-based scheme – the Fiscal Incentive for Scientific Research and Innovation Program (IFICI).

The scheme is focused on attracting international workers for specific jobs in ‘highly qualified’ professions, such as teachers and scientific researchers. The new scheme will allow those who qualify to pay tax at a flat rate of 20% for up to 10 years. Some details about the scheme are still being confirmed.

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Insider Tip: IFICI deadline

If you move to Portugal in November or December, make sure to apply for NHR 2.0 before March 31st of the following year. Missing this deadline means you won’t be able to access the regime.

The tax authorities require proof that you weren’t a Portuguese tax resident in any of the previous years, so if you move late in the year, it’s important to apply on time.

Double taxation treaties

Portugal has tax treaties with all EU countries and several countries outside the EU to prevent double taxation.

A 2003 European Union directive regarding taxation of interest on savings income moved from one member state to another can also help internationals ensure that they are taxed fairly. However, if you are filing any of the following, make sure you’re clued up on all the rules:

Who is exempt from Portuguese income tax?

If you work and earn money in Portugal, you’ll almost always need to pay income tax. In 2025, residents have a general tax allowance of €4,349 a year (up from €4,104 in 2024). If you earn less than this, you won’t need to pay.

How do you file your tax return in Portugal?

The Portuguese tax year runs from 1 January to 31 December. The window for completing your Portuguese tax return for 2024 earnings is from 1 April to 30 June 2025.

How to register for tax in Portugal?

Before engaging in employment or any other professional activity in Portugal, you must fill out a registration form and submit it to your local tax office. The office will then issue your Portuguese income tax number.

Which forms do I need to fill out?

To complete the Portugal tax form, you must register on the government’s website and request a password. It is obligatory to file your tax return online via the tax portal.

Deductibles and tax relief

Portugal has a number of general allowances that residents can deduct from their taxable earnings or use as tax credits to reduce their income tax.

Below are some tax deductions and tax credits foreigners can consider when filing a Portuguese tax return.


  • A general allowance of €4,349 (up from €4,104 in 2024)
  • 150% of the amount paid in union fees (limited to 1% of employment income)
  • Employee social security contributions to mandatory schemes if higher than €4,349
  • Maintenance and conservation expenses paid out on property yielding a rental income
  • A deduction of €600 per dependent. This figure increases by €126 for each dependent under 3 years old. An additional deduction of €150 for second and following dependents aged between four and six may also be allowed.

Tax credits

Portuguese residents are entitled to the following tax credits:

ExpensePercentageLimit (if applicable)
General family expenses35%€250 per taxpayer
VAT on invoices issued by car repair shops, restaurants, hairdressers, and beauty salons15%€250 per family
Alimony pensions arising from court decisions20%
Rent costs15%€502
Interest on housing loans15%€296
Donations made to accredited institutions25%
Those incurred with homes and institutions supporting older or disabled people25%€403.75
Premiums paid on pension contributions20%€400 (under age 35)
€350 (age 35 to 50)
€300 (over age 50)

Certain daily expenses also are exempt from Portuguese income tax, including the following areas:

  • Meal allowance up to €10.20 per day (up from €6 in 2024)
  • Daily allowance for business travel up to €62.75 within Portugal or €148.91 abroad
  • Travel expenses, depending on means of transport and the number of employees traveling

How do I pay my Portuguese income tax?

If you owe tax on income that hasn’t been automatically deducted through Portugal’s PAYE system, you can pay in installments. Installments are generally due in July, September, and December.

You can pay online through the Finance Portal (Portal das Finanças) – they offer the following payment options:

  • Direct debit
  • MB WAY
  • Multibanco (at an ATM)
  • Via online banking

Income tax refunds

You might be entitled to a refund if you’ve paid too much income tax. The tax authorities will inform you if this is the case after you have filed your tax return.

However, if there’s a dispute over your Portuguese income tax assessment, you may be able to appeal to the tax administration.

Two people in an office working out something together on a laptop.
Photo: Westend61/Getty Images

Check your tax assessment letter to find out which department you need to appeal to and the appeals process. If your appeal is rejected, you can then apply to have your case assessed by the tax courts.

What happens if I don’t pay my income tax on time?

Financial penalties for filing late or incomplete Portuguese tax returns range from €200 to €2,500.

Late payments can be penalized from 10% of the outstanding tax to double its value up to a maximum of €55,000 (plus interest).


Get your new life off to the right start with Anchorless. Their online service helps internationals get an NIF (tax ID) in Portugal, and their expert team will help you set up a bank account and register with the tax authorities. Let Anchorless handle the admin for you so you can enjoy your new life in Portugal.

Income tax advice in Portugal

Doing your taxes in Portugal can be a complex matter. The information here is a general overview, but it helps to seek professional advice from a financial expert if you’re unsure about anything.

There are also specialized companies that assist internationals with their tax affairs, including:

  • Anchorless – provides tax consultations
  • Bordr – offers streamlined tax filing services for foreigners
  • e-residence – count tax filing among their many offerings tailored to those living abroad
  • JS Advisers – offers professional tax advice to residents and non-residents

Stephen Maunder

About the author

An award-winning finance writer and editor, Stephen has been writing for Expatica since 2016, covering a range of financial topics across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

Over a decade in journalism, he’s worked for breaking news broadcasters, industry publications, and national magazines.