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Find the expat services you need to navigate your new life. Expatica’s Portugal business directory is an exhaustive list of service providers in Portugal that specialize in the expat market, ranging from financial services – mortgages, accountants, banks, and more – to childcare and beyond.

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In the spotlight

Lamares, Capela & Associados

Lamares, Capela & Associados is a law firm specializing in immigration and citizenship in Portugal. As well as providing expertise on visas, residency, permits, and Portuguese nationality, they advise on companies, real estate, and more. Get in touch today and find out how Lamares, Capela & Associados can help you make your life in Portugal a success.
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Immigration Lawyers and Services


Lingoda is an innovative online language school accessible worldwide. Their learning platform will ensure you're speaking like a local before you know it. Choose the language and time that suits you and join one of Lingoda's professionally taught classes from the comfort of your home.
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Surfshark is a virtual private network (VPN) available globally. The VPN allows you to surf securely wherever you are in the world, letting you access geo-blocked sites while protecting your online privacy. If you're an expat, get Surfshark now and surf with confidence.
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VPNs and Online Services
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