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Talitha van Zon reportedly arrested

Former Dutch model Talitha van Zon, whose name hit the headlines during the fall of Tripoli, has reportedly been arrested. Dutch lawyer Bram Moszkowicz says he has been told that she was arrested by military police on suspicion of involvement in human trafficking after he was asked to confirm rumours in the press.

The 39-year-old former mode became front-page news in the Netherlands last month after she jumped from a five-star hotel balcony as Libyan rebels fought to take the city. It turned out Ms Van Zon was in Libya on the invitation of the Gaddafis. A former friend who had accompanied her to Tripoli had filed human trafficking charges against Ms Van Zon on returning to the Netherlands.

The military police and Public Prosecution Office have declined to comment on the matter. Bram Moszkowicz is representing Ms Zon’s former friend. She says Ms Van Zon lured her to Libya where she was raped by Muammar Gaddafi’s son Mutassim.

In an earlier interview with Radio 1 Ms Van Zon denies the accusations saying it was she who told her friend to press charges against Mutassim Gaddafi.