Expatica news

Limited expansion of STD testing

18 March 2004

AMSTERDAM ¯ The expansion of testing for the sexually transmitted disease Chlamydia should be limited for the time being to women attending abortion clinics and patients of fertility clinics, the Dutch Health Ministry has been advised.

Chlamydia — which can cause infertility — is the most prevalent STD and it is estimated that 35,000 women and 25,000 men contract it annually in the Netherlands.  Health authorities around the world are very concerned by the increasing rise in Chlamydia cases.

The Health Council, or Gezondheidsraad, which advises on health issues, sent a report to Health Minister Hans Hoogervorst Thursday ruling out the need for a national screening programme for all men and women.

Instead, the Council said testing should be concentrated in abortion clinics and fertility clinics, news agency ANP reported.

Detected on time, Chlamydia can be treated easily with antibiotic medication. If a person is unaware they have the condition and don’t get treatment, they can run the risk of becoming infertile.

For information on the symptoms and treatment for Chlamydia, see the netdoctor 

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Dutch news + Chlamydia