Learning the language

Language Learning

How to learn Dutch: language courses, tips, and tools

Want to learn Dutch but not sure where to start? Here’s what you need to know about language courses and why it’s really not that difficult.

Woman standing in a library, reading.

Updated 20-3-2025

So, you’ve landed in the Netherlands, and everyone around you speaks perfect English. Why bother learning Dutch when you can order a koffie verkeerd, ask for directions, and chat with colleagues without ever touching a Dutch phrasebook?

That’s because speaking Dutch isn’t just about communication – it’s about creating a connection.

Whether you want to build friendships, boost your career prospects, or simply navigate life without relying on English, being able to understand Dutch will open doors in the Netherlands. It makes life easier, more gezellig, and, let’s be honest, a little more fun. And the good news? Compared to many other languages, Dutch isn’t too hard to learn – especially if you already speak English or German.

So, how long does it take? Where can you learn it? And what’s the best way to master Dutch without getting lost in endless grammar rules? Let’s break it down:


Albert Both is also known as Mr. Dutch Brainwash, from his (in)famous Dutch-language teaching method. Talencoach offers different language course packages, from the seven-day immersive Brainwash class to the higher level Dutch Mastery – as well as individual sessions.

Why should you learn Dutch?

Around 24 million people speak Dutch, with most of these living in the Netherlands. And while most Dutch people can easily communicate in English, they do actually love it when you try to speak their language.

People standing on a roof top, talking with each other during a networking event.
Photo: Maskot/Getty Images

Other reasons to learn Dutch (besides making life more gezellig):

  • Employment prospects – you’ll have a competitive advantage over other expats on the labor market. Many employers appreciate job seekers who can communicate in Dutch, and being able to talk with coworkers and clients will make your professional life more rewarding.
  • Residency requirements – some expats must learn Dutch if they want to live in the Netherlands long-term.
  • Integration – it’s way easier to make friends or talk to neighbors. Even if you only pick up the basics, showing an effort goes a long way. It’ll also give you a better understanding of the Dutch culture and humor, as these things often get lost in translation.

How long does it take to learn Dutch?

According to the Foreign Service Institute, it takes American English speakers about 600–750 hours to learn Dutch. However, this is based on intensive classroom education where small groups of six students get immersive language training.

It’s perhaps more practical to use the CEFR system (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages):

CEFR levelHow many hours?At this level you can:
A1 (Beginner)80–100 hours– Understand and use everyday expressions
– Introduce yourself and others
– Ask and answer personal questions
– Have basic conversations if the other person is talking slowly and articulates clearly
B1 (Intermediate)350–400 hours– Understand and communicate in daily life
– Have in-depth conversations about events, experiences, dreams, expectations, and desires
– Express your opinions, reasons, and plans
– Write simple texts about topics you’re interested in
C1 (Advanced)800–900 hours– Speak spontaneously and fluently without searching for words too much
– Express your opinion on complex subjects clearly and in a structured way
– Understand long texts and catch any implied meaning
– Write detailed texts about complex topics
image of insider

Mr. Dutch Brainwash

Albert Both from Talencoach

Insider tip

Dutch, in itself, isn’t a difficult language. It’s very close to English and more similar than, for example, German… And much easier as well! You could call Dutch German light.

Where to learn Dutch in-person

Dutch language courses abroad

If you’re living abroad and want to start learning Dutch before moving to the Netherlands, there are several schools and language centers you could go to.

Students having class with book and tablets, in an outside auditorium. Most have raised hands and are waiting for the lecturer to point at them.
Photo: Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images

International schools that offer in-person Dutch classes include:

There are also plenty of international language centers that offer group lessons, including Berlitz and Inlingua. Check out the company websites to see if they provide Dutch language courses in your area.

Dutch courses in the Netherlands

Once you’re in the Netherlands, it becomes a lot easier to learn Dutch. For a start, there are plenty of people to practice with, even though it can take some work to convince people to speak Dutch with you.

The country has several language schools and centers that teach Dutch as a second language. Many municipalities also offer free language courses for expats studying for their civil integration (inburgering) test. For example:

Dutch language courses in Amsterdam

One of the best places to learn Dutch in the Netherlands is Amsterdam. The city is home to a wide range of language schools that cater to different learning styles and schedules.

People in the Dutch Brainwash language course.
Photo: courtesy of Talencoach

Great Dutch language classes in Amsterdam include:

Dutch language classes in Rotterdam

Rotterdam is a major international hub for business, innovation, and education. Naturally, then, the city offers some great ways to learn Dutch. You can follow a course at:

Dutch language courses in The Hague

As the political heart of the Netherlands, The Hague attracts expats from all over the world. Language schools in the city focus on Dutch for work and social settings. Some classes to check out in The Hague include:

Dutch language classes in Utrecht

With its vibrant student life and growing international community, Utrecht is a great place for expats to learn Dutch.

People sitting outside a coffee bar in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Coffee bar in Utrecht, the Netherlands (Photo: Tim Gouw/Unsplash)

Some of the best Dutch language courses in the city include:

Where to find Dutch lessons online

If in-person learning is not your thing, then online Dutch classes can be a good alternative. There are several (often free) courses to choose from, including:

You can also download an app to learn Dutch, of course. Some of the best language learning apps include:

Learning Dutch outside the classroom

Books and classes don’t suit everyone; many people find it much more rewarding to learn in a more practical setting. After all, it’s those around you who you’ll be speaking with. There is no end to the opportunities, whether you start a new hobby, practice with strangers, or just entertain yourself by watching Dutch language television.

image of insider

Editor in Chief and local expert

Marie-Charlotte Pezé

Insider tip

Turn on the Dutch subtitles while you watch foreign language movies. You’ll still understand the plot while learning plenty.

There’s a plethora of meetup groups in the Netherlands for those who want to practice their Dutch. For example, Leiden Language Exchange runs a weekly meeting and there are numerous language cafés and libraries that organize events across the country.

You can check the website of your municipality or any social media platform to find events in your area.

Official language exams and qualifications

Learning a new language isn’t just a great thing to brag about to friends, it’s also useful to have on your CV or resume.

Two people shaking hands before or after a job interview.
Photo: Sora Shimazaki/Pexels

If you want the official qualifications, here are some of the Dutch-language exams you could take:

Tips for learning Dutch as an expat

Learning a new language can be daunting, especially if it’s your first second language. Luckily, Dutch is relatively easy.

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Dutch is a Germanic language. So, many words are similar in English and German, for example:
    • brood (English: bread, German: Brod)
    • wijn (English: wine, German: Wein)
    • drinken (English: drink, German: trinken)
    • slapen (English: sleep, German: schlafen)
  • Dutch spelling is mostly phonetic, meaning words are spelled the way they sound. Of course, you would have to know what Dutch pronunciation is like. It’s also worth noting that, if a word ends in a d, the Dutch pronounce it as a t. For example: hond (pronounced hont) and hand (pronounced hant).
  • Dutch words often have more than one meaning, for instance: alsjeblieft (“here you are” and “please”) and weer (“again” and “weather”). Others are very similar:
    • kopen (to buy)
    • aankoop (the purchase)
    • goedkoop (cheap)
    • een koopje (a bargain)
  • That said, the ‘limited’ amount of vocabulary can also pose a challenge to expats:
    • koop (present simple tense of kopen)
    • kroop (past tense of kruipen, meaning “to crawl”)
    • knoop (“(clothes) button” and “knot”)
    • knop (“(tech) button”, “knob”, and “bud”)
  • You need confidence and abstract thought when learning a new language. Don’t worry about forming the perfect sentence; just throw out some words and see if it makes sense.
  • Do away with any unrealistic expectations; you can’t master a new language from day one. You’ll make mistakes and that’s part of the process.

Useful resources

  • Dutchpod 101 – website with information on Dutch language grammar
  • Onze Taal – website with information on the Dutch language; grammar, spelling, and more
  • Why You Hate Learning Dutch – free e-book by Talencoach with tips on learning Dutch

Laura van der Most

About the author

Originally from the Netherlands, Laura speaks Dutch, English, un peu French, and sehr schlechtes German.

After studying English literature, she discovered a passion for editing and has been working on improving texts ever since. Laura’s areas of expertise usually cover labor laws, human rights, law and crime, healthcare, and all things Dutch.

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