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Is there ever a right time to start a Master or Doctoral study? (sponsored contribution)

Are you too busy? Do you spend more time traveling from one destination to the next instead of in the confines of your own office? How many times have you re-located? If any of the aforementioned scenarios sound familiar, then it may be time to consider pursuing a higher education in an e-learning environment.

Study online, graduate on campus

Donned in cap and gown attire, a familiar name is heard resonating around the majestic Philharmonic Hall. A buoyant walk to the podium to proudly claim your Masters degree from the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Liverpool ensues and the celebrations begin. This enthralling scenario has been experienced by thousands of working professionals who have been able to pursue a Masters degree due to the flexible and accommodating nature of the virtual classroom.

The reality is that careers stall, passions for a particular profession dissipate and skills become obsolete. Suddenly, many people are faced with the fact that any chance to progress professionally hinges on their educational background and varied skill-set. It is not uncommon for people to yearn for a new direction in a particular field but finding time to pursue an advanced degree while maintaining a busy work schedule seems daunting to say the least. Well, not anymore.

The University of Liverpool’s exclusive e-learning partnership with Laureate Online Education has developed a 100% online learning environment that is successfully delivering educational and career benefits to thousands of professionals across the globe. In fact, over 4,000 working professionals are currently pursuing their advanced online degrees in Management, Health, Law and Technology.

With no geographic restrictions and with flexible lecture times, dedicated professionals from over 175 countries now have access to a level of higher education that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. What tight schedule? Work or family responsibilities are no longer a barrier.

Let’s not forget that the opportunity to network, socialise, and exchange ideas with a multi-cultural student body is an unbelievable advantage in today’s global economy. Small virtual class sizes and personalised programme content are also extremely popular features of an e-learning environment that meets the University of Liverpool’s high academic standards.

The academic guidance you receive from the day you enroll right up until the day you hear that familiar name ring out from the podium at Philharmonic Hall, is truly exceptional and will be remembered long after your Master degree certificate is framed and hanging on the wall.