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Find the expat services you need to navigate your new life. Expatica’s Italy directory is an exhaustive list of service providers in Italy that specialize in the expat market, ranging from financial services – mortgages, accountants, banks, and more – to childcare and beyond.

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In the spotlight


ho. is an Italian telecommunications brand. They offer low-cost SIM-only deals including data, calls, and SMS. They offer access to 4G, an app to handle your tariff, and rewards for referring your friends. Get a SIM deal with advantages from ho. today.
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SIM Cards and Mobile Phones


moneycorp are global leaders in international payments and foreign exchange. Based in London, their services make your money go further wherever you are in the world. Whether you're buying property or sending money overseas, moneycorp's easy-to-use service has you covered.
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Money Transfers


Fastweb provides a range of telephone, internet, and mobile services in Italy. They offer ultra-fast fiber internet, and many innovative options that allow you to stay at the cutting edge of telecoms. Find out more online and try a 30-day trial with Fastweb today.
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TV and Internet Providers
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