Take your career a step further with our global directory listings of professional training services:
TopCV is an online CV-writing service. Their dedicated team of recruitment professionals provide expert advice on how to optimize your resume. Their service can make you 40% more likely to land a job. So, make your CV stand out from the crowd with TopCV.
The English Speaking Union is an international network that promotes better English-speaking communication between individuals and countries. Aimed at improved global relations, the network runs public speaking programs and competitions for school-age children from around the world.
Female Founders is an international networking community for female entrepreneurs. Operating across Europe, the platform offers networking, insight, and guidance through a range of programs and events. Female Founders has over 5,000 members and counting.
The Professional Women’s Network is an international networking platform for professional women. They provide women with support, guidance, and opportunities through collaboration and mentoring. For a range of networking events, seminars, and more, check out PWN.
Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. There are more than 16,200 clubs in 145 countries, helping people from all backgrounds become more confident communicators and leaders.
Udemy is an online learning platform offering 185,000 video courses. Choose from all kinds of useful topics, including IT & software, personal development, and photography. No matter what you want to study, there’s a course for you. Join 49 million students and start learning a new skill today.