AIA Continental Europe is a networking platform for American architects living and working in Europe. One of seven international chapters of the American Institute of Architects, it connects those working across the continent, fostering fellowship across borders throughout the industry.
Families in Global Transition is an international forum for expat families. Through conferences and workshops, the forum connects globally mobile families across many cultures and sectors. This includes entrepreneurs, international schools, arts and culture, and much more.
FAWCO (Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas) is a global association for US expats living and working abroad. Through volunteering, networking, and more, the associations provide a welcoming environment for girls and women throughout the world. Find your nearest AWC today.
Global Greens is an international network of Green political parties and environmental political movements. The organization provides a platform for the exchange and discussion of ideas and policy initiatives. Global Greens does this through online and in-person events and forums.
International Seafarers’ Welfare & Assistance Network
The International Seafarers’ Welfare & Assistance Network is an international membership organisation that promotes the welfare of seafarers. Seafarers and their families can access the support and information they need from the Network’s support staff.
Kea is an international association for Kiwis and those who share an interest in New Zealand. Whether you’re moving abroad or planning to return to Aotearoa, Kea provides a welcoming community to connect with others and share your interests in the island nation.
Lions International is a global, non-political volunteering network and service organization. Around the world, clubs follow the guiding principles of the Lions International group, improving lives and communities through kindness. Find your nearest Lions International chapter today.
Mensa is a global organization for individuals with a high IQ. Founded in 1946, the organization aims to foster human intelligence for the benefit of humankind in a social and welcoming environment. Find your nearest group today and become part of the Mensa global community.
Rotary International is a global service organization with local groups located throughout the world. With over 1.2 million members, Rotary International communities work together to promote peace, fight conflict, and improve the lives and wellbeing of people around the world.
The Associated Clan MacLeod Societies is a global network of Clan MacLeod societies. The societies promote clan traditions throughout the world, offering a platform for MacLeod clansfolk to connect and engage with each other. There are 10 affiliated national societies around the world.
Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. There are more than 16,200 clubs in 145 countries, helping people from all backgrounds become more confident communicators and leaders.
Vlamingen in de Wereld (VIW – standing for Flemish in the World) is a networking organization for Flemish people living abroad. So, wherever you end up in the world, with VIW you’ll be able to connect with like-minded individuals from home.