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Macron condemns ‘atrocities’ in Izyum, Ukraine

French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday condemned what he described as the “atrocities” committed in the eastern Ukranian city of Izyum, which Kyiv’s forces have recaptured from Russian troops.

He joined a growing chorus of outrage in western countries at reports by Ukrainian officials that they had uncovered a mass grave just outside the city containing hundreds of bodies.

“I condemn in the strongest terms the atrocities committed in Izyum, Ukraine, under Russian occupation,” he tweeted.

Those responsible “will have to answer for their acts. There is no peace without justice,” he added.

Kyiv officials say they have counted 450 graves at the mass burial site and found 10 alleged “torture centres” after the Kharkiv region was recaptured from Russian invaders.

Earlier Friday, the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the bloc was “deeply shocked” at the “inhuman behaviour by Russian forces”.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Friday Russia was behaving “horrifically” and was likely responsible for war crimes.

Oleg Synegubov, head of Kharkiv regional administration, where the city is located, said on Friday that 99 percent of the bodies recovered showed signs of a violent death.