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Spain criticised by European Climate Foundation for reliance on carbon energy power

SPAIN has been urged to contribute more to ending the global reliance on carbon-emitting power sources such as coal and oil.

The European Climate Foundation said Spain was falling behind other countries in terms of switching to low-carbon sources like renewables and nuclear.

Director Laurence Tubiana said Spain ‘needs to go to the G20 meeting in July, with a plan in hand on how to decarbonise the economy, like most other world powers have’.

Strategies to move economies away from reliance on carbon-emitting power sources were a part of the Paris Agreement.

The European Commission has asked EU member states for the same by 2018.

“It is imperative that Spain promotes a joint national exercise with all the actors involved in decarbonisation, so what has been agreed will happen,” said Tubiana, who warned against conflict of interests that could ‘paralyse everything’.