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Scottish independence referendum ‘will be rejected’

THE UK government is to reject SNP’s request for a second referendum on Scottish independence. 

Theresa May has said that ‘now is not the time’ and added that the focus should be on getting the best Brexit deal for the whole of the UK.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said Nicola Sturgeon’s demand for a vote by the spring of 2019 would be rejected ‘conclusively’.

First Minister of Scotland Sturgeon said blocking the vote would be a ‘democratic outrage’.

She told BBC Scotland: “It is an argument for independence really in a nutshell, that Westminster thinks it has got the right to block the democratically elected mandate of the Scottish government and the majority in the Scottish Parliament.

“You know history may look back on today and see it as the day the fate of the union was sealed.”

But British PM May made her message clear to Sturgeon, saying ‘now is not the time’, and that the UK should be ‘working together, not pulling apart.’

She added: “I think we should be working to get the right deal for Scotland and the UK with our future partnership with the European Union.
“It would be unfair to the people of Scotland that they would be being asked to make a crucial decision without the information they need to make that decision.”