Expatica news

King Felipe of Spain slams Catalan authorities in unprecedented national address

King Felipe of Spain has accused Catalan authorities of putting themselves ‘outside the law’ after Sunday’s independence referendum.

In a rare TV appearance, King Felipe claimed ‘the unity of Spain’ had been put at risk and Catalan society ‘divided’.

It comes after violence left nearly 900 people injured during Sunday’s referendum, with police actions widely criticised.

“These authorities have scorned the attachments and feelings of solidarity that have united and will unite all Spaniards,” said King Felipe.

“Their irresponsible conduct could even jeopardise the economic and social stability of Catalonia and all of Spain.”

He added: “They have broken the democratic principles of all rule of law and undermined the harmony and coexistence in Catalan society itself.”

It is the first time King Felipe has addressed the nation other than his annual Christmas speech on television.