3 December 2003
LEON – An organised gang from Eastern Europe is thought to be behind the theft of 24 revolvers and 1,100 bullets from a security company in Leon, police sources said Wednesday.
The Guardia Civil said the security company Centuria SA in Santa Cruz del Sil, near Leon in the north-west of Spain, was raided last week-end.
Police sources told Efe that the guns and ammunition was stolen last Saturday night or Sunday morning when the thieves broke through a glass door to get into the main office of the company which works mainly for the mining industry.
The gang went straight to the safe and smashed their way in.
Police believe the thieves were originally looking for money but they found the guns.
Thirteen or 14 of the guns are .38 Llamas and the others are Astras, which are usually used by security staff.
A Guardia Civil source said the investigation is underway and police believe the thieves behing the break-in are an organised gang, possibly from Eastern Europe.
[Copyright EFE with Expatica]
Subject: Spanish news