Expatica news

Countries that fail to fight terror warned

22 March 2004

BRUSSELS – European Union foreign ministers were meeting in Brussels Monday to discuss how to tackle terrorism in the wake of the Madrid  bombings.

They want the EU to help vulnerable countries boost anti-terror efforts.

But they were also expected to warn countries which fail to help will see relations with Europe suffer as a result.

A declaration outlining Europe’s determination to combat terrorism is also due to be approved by EU leaders at a summit meeting later this week.

Spain’s outgoing foreign minister Ana Palacio was among those at the meeting in Brussels.

Meanwhile, intelligence chiefs were meeting in Madrid and senior police officers from across Europe were holding separate talks focusing on terrorism.

The talks come after  EU justice and interior ministers agreed Friday to appoint an anti-terrorism ‘tsar’ and strengthen intelligence co-operation.

Foreign ministers will look at external relations as well.

The proposals from these ministerial meetings will be fed into a declaration, which is due to be approved by EU leaders at a summit beginning in Brussels on Thursday.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news