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Cost of living in Spain versus UK

Spain has long been a very popular destination for British expats with the lure of fine weather, a healthier lifestyle and a lower cost of living than in the UK. Even in the larger Spanish cities where living space and resources are highly sought after, the cost of living is still comparatively low. Below are some examples of how Spain’s costs of living compare to those in the UK along with an illustrative infographic that Spanish Property Sales recently published on their website. Cost of living in Spain vs UK
When looking at the price differences between living spaces in Spain and the UK, Spain is much less expensive. Renting an apartment, whether it is in the middle of a city or outside of one, and with one or multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, costs less in Spain by at least 45 percent. The average price for an apartment with one bedroom and one bathroom in Spain is approximately EUR 530 (GBP 450), while the price in the UK is about GBP 670 (EUR 785).

Weekly shopping
When taking care of the weekly shopping, residents of Spain spend less money buying the same types of food than residents of the UK. Most foods are at least 13 percent cheaper, but foods such as rice, eggs, tomatoes and oranges are almost 50 percent cheaper, saving an average of approximately 20 cents to EUR 1.20 (GBP 1.0) for each item bought. Water, beer, and cigarettes are also about GBP 1.0 less expensive in Spain.

Eating out
When eating out, Spanish locals spend almost EUR 5.85/GBP 5.0 less on a three-course meal for two people than they would at a restaurant in the UK. The same can also be said for eating out at inexpensive restaurants. Ordering coffee or a beer also costs about 40 percent less for people who live in Spain, saving locals from 60 cents to EUR 1.20 (GBP 1.0) for every drink.

Spain has made use of their wonderful public transportation, meaning that not many people use their own cars. This also means that the prices of using a taxi or buying tickets to use the metro are less expensive. Spanish residents save almost GBP 20/EUR 23 more than UK residents when purchasing a regular monthly metro pass.

The basic utilities for housing, such as electricity, heat, water, and garbage, are about 60 percent less expensive for Spanish residents compared to UK residents, saving approximately EUR 58/GBP 50. When looking at the prices for phone and internet services, both countries spend an equal amount of money: around 20 cents per minute for phone service and GBP 30/EUR 35 for internet.

Most public schools, nursery through secondary, are free to Spanish locals. The same goes for many UK public schools. For private schools or universities, even though the prices of the schools are high for both Spanish and UK students, Spain’s residents save approximately 20 percent, or EUR 585 to EUR 2,340 (GBP 500 to GBP 2000) every school year.