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Find the expat services you need to navigate your new life. Expatica’s German business directory is an exhaustive list of service providers in Germany that specialize in the expat market, ranging from financial services – mortgages, accountants, banks, and more – to childcare and beyond.

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In the spotlight


Sparstrom is an energy provider operating in Germany. A subsidiary of Badenova, the company offers a number of energy solutions for your home, including natural gas and 100% green electricity, and a number of additional extras for customers. Get your home connected in Germany with Sparstrom.
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Utility Providers


Lebara is an international mobile phone network. They offer a range of pay-as-you-go and contract options in Germany, offering calls, texts, and mobile data. With special rates for international calls, Lebara is popular with expats looking to set up home in a new country.
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SIM Cards and Mobile Phones


Revolut is a mobile banking app that operates internationally. Their easy-to-use app lets you open a bank account in minutes, with pricing options for every budget. Whether you want to transfer money internationally or simply save on your everyday payments, sign up with Revolut today.
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