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Find the expat services you need to navigate your new life. Expatica’s Swiss directory is an exhaustive list of service providers in Switzerland that specialize in the expat market, ranging from financial services – mortgages, accountants, banks, and more – to childcare and beyond.

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In the spotlight

ENSR International Summer Camp

ENSR International School is a co-educational private boarding school in Switzerland. Situated in the French-speaking region near Lake Geneva, it enjoys spectacular surroundings and a privileged position in the center of Europe. For a global education for your child, choose ENSR International School.
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Summer Camps

Taxolution Advisory

Taxolution Advisory specializes in expat tax services in Switzerland. They offer fast, reliable, and straightforward tax solutions for individuals and small businesses. They work cloud-based with advanced tax software. Get on top of your taxes in Switzerland with the experts at Taxolution Advisory.
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Accountants and Tax Preparation

Allianz Care

Allianz is a world leader in providing international health insurance. Their range of premiums provides professionally-designed solutions for a variety of expat lifestyles. So, wherever your life takes you, make sure you have the right health protection for you and your family with Allianz Care.
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Health Insurance Companies
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