Expatica news

More Belgians found in tsunami-struck regions

13 January 2005

BRUSSELS – More Belgians who had been reported missing after the Indian Ocean tsunamis have been traced.

On Thursday, a spokesman for Foreign Minister Rudy Huygelen said the number of Belgians still to be found in South East Asia had fallen to 14, down from 20 on the list the day before.

The total number of Belgians killed in the disaster remains at six.

More than 150,000 people were killed overall.

In Thailand, seven Belgians who were visiting areas hit by the tsunami are still on the missing list, one less than the day before.

Seven people who were travelling in the rest of the country have still to be traced, to ensure they were uninjured.

Huygelen’s spokesperson said the number of Belgians on the missing list was falling, thanks to the Belgian police.

“The police have visited several people who were still considered missing, but who in fact were already back at home, completely safe,” he said.

Another Belgian who had still not been tracked down has now been contacted and found to be working in Thailand with the relief effort.

More information

People living in Belgium can make a donation to help tsunami victims via the following website:

[Copyright Expatica 2005]

Subject: Belgian news