Expatica news

Fleming needs to reduce food wastage with 15pct by 2020

Today, the average Flemish household throws up to 55 kilos of food into the garbage bin each year.

This means that all consumers combined waste an annual sum of 475 million euros. Worldwide, no less than a third of all produced foods are squandered.

A year ago, the Flemish government signed a treaty of commitment with organisations such as the Flemish farmer’s union (Boerenbond), the federation of the food industry (Fevia), the distribution sector (Comeos), and the catering industry. Today, an action plan with nine programmes involving 57 actions is on the table.

These actions include the stimulation of renewable packaging. Furthermore, employees and business managers will have courses in food wastage incorporated in their educational programmes. In addition, there will be actions to raise awareness in consumers, and to bring excess foods to those in need.

Both Agriculture Minister Joke Schauvliege and Liesbeth Homans, the minister who is responsible for the battle against poverty, stated that the Flemish government will report about the progress of the action plan on a yearly basis.