Expatica news

Baby Prince Emmanuel leaves hospital

11 October 2005

BRUSSELS — The newborn Prince Emmanuel was proudly shown to the press on Monday as he left the Erasmus Hospital in Anderlecht with his mother, Princess Mathilde and father Crown Prince Filip.

And Filip explained to waiting journalists the choice for the name Emmanuel: “It is a choice from the heart”.

Questioned about the religious significance of the name (God be with us), Prince Filip said people can think that it played a role in the choice, but stressed it was purely a heart-felt decision.

Born on 4 October, Prince Emmanuel is the royal couple’s third child of Prince Filip and Princess Mathilde. He is 4th in line to the Belgian throne behind his father, sister Elisabeth and brother Gabriel.

Leaving the hospital on Monday, Prince Filip was reluctant to answer too many questions, saying: “I have received too much attention already”.

However: Princess Mathilde was more forthcoming: “It’s a beautiful boy. He eats well and even slept seven hours the past night. I hope it stays that way,” Mathilde said.

A journalist then wanted to know whether there are plans for a fourth child, but Filip was quick to take over from Mathilde. “I think it’s too early to give any comment on that,” he said.

The baby boy has been given the forenames of Emmanuel Leopold Guillaume François Marie. He child weighed 3,900g and was 50cm long at birth.

Prince Filip registered Emmanuel’s birth at the Anderlecht city hall last Friday.

The royal family has also published photos of the happy family on its official website. To see the photos, click here.  

[Copyright Expatica News 2005]

Subject: Belgian news