Expatica news

A summer of exam success at BSB

After the publication of the A-level results, BSB is delighted once again with the overall student achievement from this summer’s examination results: 

• 100 percent pass rate for those students taking the IB Diploma 
• 99 percent pass rate for those students taking A-levels 
• 100 percent pass rate for those students taking BTEC. 

The IB statistics continue to be impressive year after year at BSB. That every student passes, in a non-selective school, is tremendous, as it is to be so far above the worldwide average in almost all key indicators. The programme is led by a committed and well-qualified team of teachers and is well organised throughout the two years to help students to maximise their potential. 

• About 42 percent of candidates achieved 36 points or higher. 
• Over 80 percent of students achieved a diploma score of 30 or more. 
• And 28 percent of IB students took a bilingual diploma and 100 percent achieved it. 

The A-level results have been outstanding once again. In all key indicators BSB results out-performed the UK national averages with some excellent individual performances by students with straight A and A* grades. 

• 35 percent of grades at A* – A (national UK average: 25.9 percent) 
• 86 percent of grades at A* – C 
• 99 percent of grades passing at A* – E 

Students who followed BTEC courses did extremely well, including: 

In the business diploma, 83 percent achieved double-star distinctions – equivalent to two A Levels at A* 

  • In the business subsidiary diploma, 100 percent achieved starred distinctions – equivalent to two A Levels at A*A 

  • In the hospitality subsidiary, 100 percent achieved starred distinctions – equivalent to two A Levels at A*A 

    Sue Woodroofe, BSB’s principal said, 

    ‘Another wonderful set of results – I could not be more proud of the students and staff on this fantastic achievement across all three pre-university qualification routes. BSB consistently performs amongst the highest schools in the world at these demanding qualifications and the range of courses offered at BSB, along with the experience and passion of the teachers, enables all students to choose subjects that enable them to find success.’ 

    Gary Minnitt, Head of Secondary School, added, 

    ‘Achieving such pass rates once again is a magnificent achievement for students and staff alike given the world pass averages. BSB students are in the process of securing excellent places at universities around the world as a result of their hard work and dedication. Big congratulations to all concerned!’ 


    Contributed by the British School of Brussels.

    Open day on 19 May at the British School of Brussels