@seven is a professional networking platform operating in Brussels. Designed for the city's blossoming expat community, it has provided a meeting point for international since 2003. If you'd like to explore the expat community in Brussels, contact @seven today.
AIA Continental Europe is a networking platform for American architects living and working in Europe. One of seven international chapters of the American Institute of Architects, it connects those working across the continent, fostering fellowship across borders throughout the industry.
American Club Brussels is an international social club based in Brussels. For a century, the club has provided a welcoming, inclusive space for Americans and other internationals in the Belgian capital. They provide events, catch-ups, and information for expats.
Antwerp British and International Women (ABIW) is a social and cultural group based in Antwerp. The group provides a welcoming environment for English-speaking expats from around the world. Take part in one of the many social events and make new friends at ABIW.
The Antwerp British Community Association is a cultural and social group in Antwerp. For over a hundred years, the association has provided a platform for cultural exchange and English interaction in the city. If you're a new arrival, contact the Antwerp British Community Association.
The Antwerp Indian Association is a meeting place for the Indian community in Antwerp. The society provides a friendly, welcoming environment for the community through a range of events and occasions. The Antwerp Indian Association has over 40 years of experience.
The Association of American Women in Europe is an international non-profit network across Europe. For over 60 years, the network has provided a safe and encouraging space for professional and personal connections, improving the integration of American women across the continent.
The British Charitable Fund (BCF) is an organization that provides help and assistance for British nationals living in Belgium. Whether you’re looking for advice, conversation, or material assistance, they are well-placed to help. See how the British Charitable Fund could help you when you need it.
The Brussel's Women's Club is an English-speaking social club for women from around the world. The club provides a friendly, welcoming environment, hosting several social events in their busy calendar. For help settling and to meet like-minded individuals, contact the Brussel's Women's Club.
The Brussels British Community Association is a focal point for the British community in Brussels. The association acts as an umbrella organization for the many British clubs and societies in the city, as well as the British community at large. Find out more on their website.
The Canadian Club of Belgium is an expat society for Canadians and fans of Canadian culture. The club hosts a number of events throughout the year, including museum trips, cocktail parties, and more. It also hosts Canadian Thanksgiving celebrations for any homesick expats.
FAWCO (Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas) is a global association for US expats living and working abroad. Through volunteering, networking, and more, the associations provide a welcoming environment for girls and women throughout the world. Find your nearest AWC today.
Global Greens is an international network of Green political parties and environmental political movements. The organization provides a platform for the exchange and discussion of ideas and policy initiatives. Global Greens does this through online and in-person events and forums.
International Seafarers’ Welfare & Assistance Network
The International Seafarers' Welfare & Assistance Network is an international membership organization that promotes the welfare of seafarers. Seafarers and their families can access the support and information they need from the Network's support staff.
The International Women's Contact Antwerp is a professional networking group for women. The group holds monthly lectures and events in the city, including charity sales and seasonal lunches. So, if you're moving to Antwerp, get more from your new home with the International Women's Contact.
Lions International is a global, non-political volunteering network and service organization. Around the world, clubs follow the guiding principles of the Lions International group, improving lives and communities through kindness. Find your nearest Lions International chapter today.
Mensa is a global organization for individuals with a high IQ. Founded in 1946, the organization aims to foster human intelligence for the benefit of humankind in a social and welcoming environment. Find your nearest group today and become part of the Mensa global community.
Rotary International is a global service organization with local groups located throughout the world. With over 1.2 million members, Rotary International communities work together to promote peace, fight conflict, and improve the lives and wellbeing of people around the world.
Round Table Belgium is a professional and social networking organization in Belgium. The group aims to provide a space that fosters fellowship between young men through their professional and social activities. If you're looking to expand your network in Belgium, consider Round Table.
STUDS (Spouses Trailing Under Duress Successfully) is a social group for international men living in and around the Brussels area. They host a number of social events for like-minded individuals, including golf, dinners, bike rides, and more.
The Suomi Klubi (Finnish Association of Belgium) is a social network for Finns living in Belgium. Since 1979, the group has helped Finns settle in Belgium while providing a space to promote Finnish culture through popular events in the country.
The American Theatre Company is a volunteer-run, non-profit amateur theatre company based in Brussels. Since 1969, the company has produced a diverse range of American plays from all genres. If you enjoy amateur theatre, be sure to check out the American Theatre Company in Brussels.
The Wednesday Club is a social club for older men and women living in and around Brussels. The non-religious club provides a caring and supportive environment where members can engage and connect through fun activities. Find a new community in Brussels at The Wednesday Club.
Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. There are more than 16,200 clubs in 145 countries, helping people from all backgrounds become more confident communicators and leaders.
Vlamingen in de Wereld (VIW – standing for Flemish in the World) is a networking organization for Flemish people living abroad. So, wherever you end up in the world, with VIW you’ll be able to connect with like-minded individuals from home.