Get your water, energy, and heating needs sorted with our directory listings of utility providers in Belgium:
Aanbieders is an online comparison and utility connection service operating in Belgium. Compare energy, internet, mobile, and more, or let their team of experts help you get connected in your new home. Wherever you're moving to in Belgium, Aanbieders can make it easier.
For affordable energy in Belgium, try Frank Energie. This energy company uses smart pricing and offers electricity and gas at market cost so you can save money at cheaper moments. Simply type in your address and find out how much you could save on your energy.
Mega provides natural gas and green electricity at competitive prices in Belgium. With over 10 years of experience and the greenest possible energy, Mega is trusted by over half a million customers. Registration takes just five minutes online. Save up to hundreds of euros per year on your energy with Mega.
OCTA+ is a Belgian energy provider offering electricity, natural gas, heating oil, and fuel cards. They also provide energy-saving solutions like solar panels, home batteries, and EV charging stations. Save on tariffs tailored to your household needs – discover OCTA+ services today.
Essent is an energy provider in Belgium. They offer gas and electricity for homes and businesses, alongside a range of energy-saving smart solutions including solar panels and smart meters. Get your new Belgian home connected with Essent.