Expatica news

Investigation into illegal adoption

23 May 2007

AMSTERDAM – Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin is commissioning an investigation into the possible kidnapping of an Indian child that was later adopted by a Dutch couple.


A report on the television programme Netwerk recently indicated that Indian authorities want the child to undergo a DNA test and be reunited with his biological parents.

The boy, who is 9 years old now, was reportedly abducted from his family’s home in 1999. The toddler was sold to an orphanage and eventually given to a couple in the Netherlands by an adoption agency.

The case came to light when the kidnappers were arrested in 2005. The Dutch adoption bureau was apparently notified at the time.

The directors of adoption agency Meiling said in a reaction that it was aware of “alleged child abduction as described in the Indian media.”

Meiling said it initiated contact with the Indian authorities, the Dutch embassy, the ministry of justice and other agencies within the Euradopt association after hearing about the case.

[Copyright Expatica News + ANP 2007]

Subject: Dutch news